How to Configure a Custom Tracking Domain for NuReply

In order to track email opens and link clicks, NuReply inserts special code into your email bodies. This code typically appears as a URL, such as

However using a custom tracking domain ensures your sending reputation and deliverability are isolated from other accounts, enhancing your email performance.

Steps to Add a Custom Tracking Domain to NuReply

  1. Create a CNAME Record:
    1. Log in to your domain provider account.
    2. Locate the domain for which you want to create a custom tracking domain.
    3. Go to the DNS management section and create a new CNAME record with the following details:
    4. Save the record.
  2. Add the CNAME Record in NuReply:
    1. Log in to your NuReply account.
    2. Navigate to the Accounts section.
    3. Find your connected accounts and look for "Tracking Domain" status, which will initially show as "not active."

    4. Click on the details button.
    5. Scroll down to the "Tracking Domain Status" section.
    6. Add your custom tracking domain (e.g., in the "Tracking Domain" field and click the "Check Domain" button.

  3. Verify Your Domain:
    1. If the setup is correct, a banner stating "Domain is eligible" will appear, and the "Tracking Domain Status" should now be active.
    2. If there is an issue, you will see error messages such as "Network Error" or "Not Eligible."

  4. Start Warmup:
    1. Scroll down and click the "Start Warmup" button to begin warming up your domain for email tracking.


Q: I have added the custom tracking domain but it's not working.

A: CNAME records can take up to 48-72 hours to propagate. To check if the record has propagated, use a tool like MxToolbox:

  • Enter your CNAME (e.g., and perform a CNAME Lookup.
  • The Canonical Name should show If not, wait a bit longer or check for typos in your CNAME record.

Q: Should I use a new custom tracking domain per account?

A: We recommend setting up custom tracking domains on a per-email account basis. This approach helps isolate each tracking domain, ensuring that if one account gets flagged, it doesn’t affect the reputation of other accounts.

Q: What are the most common issues users encounter during setup?

A: The most frequent issues are:

  • DNS propagation delays.
  • Incorrectly adding the record type (ensure it's a CNAME, not A or TXT).

Additional Tips

Ensure there are no typos in your DNS records. Use reliable DNS management tools to track propagation status. Contact your domain provider for assistance if you encounter issues during the setup process.