Step 1: Adding GoDaddy domain to Google Workspace with MX setting

a. Go to your Google workspace and click on Manage domains (Go to your Google Workspace with login via on “Add a domain”.

b. Enter your GoDaddy domain name you purchased and select Secondary domain, then click Add Domain & Start Verification.

c. For the next step, activate Gmail which will create MX records for your domain automatically. Select the domain that you want to activate for Gmail and click on the Activate Gmail link.

d. Select Set up MX record and click on NEXT. It will take a few minutes and will be finished automatically.

Voila! MX record is set and ready to go for SPF setting.

Step 2: Check your SPF record on Google workspace

After you've connected your domain with Google Workspace and verified it (Google will automatically do this by creating MX and SPF records in your Domain DNS), you need to add the rest of the DNS records.

Start with checking your SPF records, you should only have 1 record in DNS.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy account and open DNS Management for your domain.

  2. Make sure the only SPF record includes the information below:

Type: TXT record

Host: @

Value: v=spf1 ~all

Step 3: Setting up for DKIM

a. Go to Google workspace and find your Gmail settings. Click here to sign in your Google Workspace and go to Authenticate email section.

  • You can also search DKIM in the search bar.

b. Select your domain and click Generate New Record. When new record generated, you’ll go to DNS section and copy the Google domainkey (DKIM)

  • Tip: Copy the gray zone as seen under DNS ;)

c. Now you can copy the data from Google Workspace to your GoDaddy record. Once you do it, you can start authentication.

  • Tip: Do not close this Google workspace tab because you will need DNS Host name (TXT record name) and TXT record value for creating DKIM in your GoDaddy settings.

d. Go to GoDaddy account and find the domain where you want to set up the records, click this link

e. Next to the domain name, there are three dots. Click on them and select Manage DNS

f. Create another DNS record (DKIM) in GoDaddy by clicking on Add button under "DNS Records"

g. Now, copy and paste the DNS Host name (TXT record name) and TXT record value from Google Workspace and paste them into your new DNS record.

Type: TXT

Name: google._domainkey

Value: Paste the TXT record value you generated on Google workspace shown on step b.

h. Click on Add Record and wait for the confirmation for DKIM to be set up.

i. Go back to Google Workspace authentication page and click Start Authentication. It will take approximately 48 hours to finish the authentication.

After the steps, if you see the error message as on the image, make sure to check your record is saved in the GoDaddy DNS and try to authenticate again after a few minutes.

Step 4: Setting up for DMARC

Be careful: Make sure you configured DKIM and SPF before setting up for DMARC. DKIM and SPF should be authenticating messages for at least 48 hours before turning on DMARC.

a. Go visit

b. Fill this form with your domain details as shown below. Make sure you don’t close the page.

c. Click Get started for free

d. Copy the text in black area.

e. Login in to your GoDaddy account and find the domain where you want to set up the records, click this link After you find the domain, click on three dots next to it and select Manage DNS.

f. Under DNS Records, click on Add:

g. Select type TXT, Name _dmarc paste the value in black area on Value section below and select 1 Hour for TTL then click Add record.

h. Go back to tab and click on verify.

Our help article only for setting up DMARC is available here:

Step 5: Connecting Gmail account to Nureply

a. We got you here too! Please visit our article here how to verify your Google account.

P.S. Don’t forget to save your generated app password (e.g. dkmdiefpglopnsck). From now on, you’ll use this password to sign in Nureply.

Lastly, we recommend you to set up a custom tracking domain. To check this out, you can click here to learn more about how to custom track domain.

P.P.S. It’s important to add ‘hey’ or ‘abc’ and ‘’ while following the instructions of setting up your custom tracking