You can now easily connect multiple accounts from the same Google Workspace without using an app password. Just enable oAuth app access, no matter which domain your accounts belong to.

Connecting your Google workspace account to Nureply in just a few steps:

Step 1: Log in to your Nureply Account

Step 2: From the Accounts tab click on Connect New Account

Step 3: Choose Google workspace

Step 4: Follow the steps as shown and copy the ID before going to your Google workspace Admin Panel.

Step 5: On Google Workspace Admin Panel, click on Add App

Step 6: Select OAuth App Name Or Client ID

Step 7: Paste the client ID and click Search

Step 8: Select Nureply App

Step 9: Check the box and click on Select

Step 10: Select Trusted and click on Continue

Step 11: Nureply App will appear in the list of your trusted apps.

Step 12: Go back to Nureply, click on Connect and select the email address you want to connect.

Step 13: Now it's all set and your account connected to Nureply successfully!

Feel free to proceed and activate warmup while also setting up a Custom Tracking Domain.