Gather around! Setting up DKIM, SPF, and DMARC is a crucial step. They act like your email protectors, keeping your reputation safe, boosting your emails reaching the recipients' inboxes and getting responses.

That's why you have to get this done immediately! No worries, you'll be guided through the whole DNS setting process. Before we dive into the key points, remember that DKIM, SPF, and DMARC records are part of your DNS settings. You can find their settings on your domain provider's website and admin panel (like Squarespace, Namecheap, GoDaddy, and others).

Just so you know, it's all in the hands of your domain provider, not on Nureply. But don't worry, we're here to give you a hand. Getting these setup will supercharge your campaign results.

The Reason Why You Should Use DMARC, SPF, and DKIM

What's not widely known is why most businesses need all three of these safeguards for their email systems. In the world of IT, these solutions don't always overlap – they actually complement each other. It's likely that most companies will benefit from having all three. These records will keep your email reputation safe, boost your emails reaching the recipients' inboxes, and get more responses.

Setting Up DKIM, SPF, and DMARC

Important: The case presented below assumes Google is your domain provider and your mail provider. Before using these values, don't forget to check your own provider setup. Generally, the steps are similar and they include this information in their own FAQ section related to this matter.

You can add TXT format if you’re missing the values below. It will allow you to create new records in text format. TXT record is also a part of DNS record that is to include text information for outside of your domain.

Setting Up DKIM in your Google Workspace Account

  1. Access your Google Admin account:
  2. In the Admin console, click to Menu ➡ Apps ➡ Google Workspace ➡ Gmail.
  3. Generate a DKIM Key.
  4. Craft a DNS TXT Record containing the DKIM key generated in the prior step.
  5. Visit your domain provider, such as Squarespace, GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc., to establish the DNS TXT record with the DKIM Key in your domain settings.
  6. Commence the Authentication process.

Visit Google's tutorial for detailed guidance: Google's DKIM Tutorial

Setting Up SPF

  1. Log in to your domain account via your domain host's website (not your Google Admin Console). This could be platforms like GoDaddy, Squarespace, Namecheap, and others.
  2. Go to the section for updating your domain's DNS records. This might be labeled as DNS Management, Name Server Management, or Advanced Settings.
  3. Find your TXT records and check if you have an existing SPF record for your domain. The SPF record typically starts with "v=spf1…".
  4. If an SPF record is already in place for your domain, consult with your IT department and/or provider before making changes. You cannot have more than 1 SPF record.
  5. Create a TXT record and insert the following details:
    • Type: TXT
    • Name/Host/Alias: Enter @ or leave this field empty.
    • TTL: Enter 3600 or stick with the default setting.
    • Value/Answer/Destination: Enter v=spf1 ~all

Please note: The provided value example is only valid when Google serves as your email provider. If your email provider differs from Google, verify the accurate value with your email provider.

It may take up to 72 hours for these changes to become effective.

Visit Google's tutorial for detailed guidance: Google's SPF Tutorial

Setting Up DMARC

  1. Visit DMARC Report for a free account if you actually want to track your reports. 
  2. If this domain is just for prospecting you may be able to use this example record. `v=DMARC1; p=none;`
  3. If you want more details create a free account and add your domain to the service.
  4. Copy the DMARC record.
  5. Create an TXT record at your DNS provider.
  6. Paste the information from DMARC Report, save, and wait 24 hours to start getting actual DMARC reports.

You should now be able to connect your account to Nureply and start the warmup process.